Jika tidak sedang menonton, anda pasti sedang ditonton. Sebab drama adalah anda, saya dan secuil ruang dunia yang sedang kita bagi ini....
06 Agustus 2007

Enjoy The Process

Process is the process, result is the other thing caused by the process. Eventhough, I like to remember the process I've done before separately, even it's bad pr ocess....

I'm Sigit Ariansyah, soPoster_ltb_4me peoples know me as Film Director, some others trust me as animator, video editor, art director or graphic designer. I know it's nothing exactly a big result I can reach, but actually I enjoyed every process so much. I learned from everybody and everything in every process.

After long journey, lot of my best friends, partners and clients suggest me to be focus on only one thing. You know, it's not easy for me to leave soCuplikan_scene_2me thing that you go with it in a long time.

Finally I choose to be more seriously focus on directing and writing, whether it's for Film, TV Commercials, video profile, video music, 3D animation etc. I understand this choice also not a kind of easy way to do, but I'll always to do my best, for the best result.

Thanks God, one of my feature film with USAID-LGSP 'Lubang Tak Berujung (LTB) ' becomes an official selection film in Warsawa Harm Reduction International Film Festival. It's a big reaching for me, but I hope it's not a bigger yet.

'LTB' was a film that I proud of. We have only a week to finish this anti corruption film. This is not easy enough to say 'yes' in that time... but me and my friend Donny Prasetyo, the best script writer I know, did very hard for corrections and changes from the client and producers Viko Amanda and Agus SP, day and nite about one week. We work hard enough, so I think we have to go on...

Again, I have to thanks God for giving me the best friends in the production team, like the DOP, Fauzy 'Ujel' Bausad who gives me his best result for every picture I need, Arif Rakhman, the first AD, he works so hard with the schedules, script and talents in every scenes, Andy jahyadi the Art Director and Triyanto Genthong as sound director also did their best from beginning and Ulin Yahya as the acting coach, gives me the best result for the talent attitude I need.

All talents and extras; Maria Silva, Satria Risky, Memet Jantan, Noor WA, Watiek Wibowo, Anca Ogel, Djohan, Sarah Naistra etc.. are very talented actors and actress. I love to work with them. They play hard with their characters scene by scene, frame by frame. Mentally, I know they could be professional players..

The whole team in every department professionally worked hard, we all did our best until we proudly launch the film in Jogjakarta, shown on 20 TV stations and International Film Festival.

Today, I feel that all memories as something beautiful behind the hard scenes....

And me now? still goin' on a better process...

Title: Enjoy The Process; Written by Sigit Ariansyah; Rating: 5 dari 5

4 komentar:

  1. "Get U'r dream...Man! coz I believe that d Succsess is a journey to d end not d end of a journey...see u at d TOP!

  2. thanks your article, sangat menginspirasi :)

  3. sangat menginspirasi sobat.. terimakasih banyak


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